8 Bad Reasons for Getting Married, 1792

What would you say makes the most solid foundation for a marriage? Trust? Financial security? The sort of profound and death-defying passion that would make Jack & Rose weep with envy? [let’s face it, they are the modern-day Romeo & Juliet, and I’m only moderately ashamed to admit it.]

It was in the latter half of the eighteenth century that the concept of marrying for love began to gain currency in the English popular mindset, and the younger generation expected a bit more say in who their partner might be. Inevitably, centuries of parental tyranny in these matters meant that alliances negotiated in terms of acreage and titles continued to sweep many reluctant couples to the altar.

Here, however, we have a brilliant print suggesting that many people cannot be trusted with such a momentous decision, giving a range of slightly less conventional – but still remarkably unwise – reasons for marriage. Take heed, single readers! Yes, even if you are presented with the prospect of a free bar… It’s probably not going to end well.


1. Because she probably won’t live very long anyway

Ah, that old romantic chestnut. The consolation for unsentimental men choosing to attach themselves to a woman past the bloom of youth and/or good health. Bless.



2. Because she will probably cheat on me, and I can seek financial recompense for the trauma

A sure consolation, if one were needed, for marrying a beautiful young lady clearly out of your league. Fingers crossed, eh?



3. Because those pies aren’t going to sell themselves

What woman could resist such pragmatism, such unwavering selflessness in the face of his unsold wares? Swoon.



4. Because the make of his shoulders pleases you vastly

Or any other body part, for that matter.



5. Because having a baby is a clever way of getting your beau to put
a ring on it

It’s really not. Especially if he is as unconvinced about the whole thing as this fellow. ‘Never mind John…’



6. Because I want FREE BOOZE

If you can contrive to find yourself a landlord for a lover, why not? Oh right, because being a drunken mess at his expense every night probably isn’t going to make you wildly attractive to a new husband.



7. Because I want BABIES

And saying so never terrified any man, ever



8. Because … she’s a woman

And sometimes, that’s all it takes





Images taken from ‘Matrimonial Speculation’ by William Esdall (1792). Courtesy of the Lewis Walpole Library. The full image can be viewed here.

154 thoughts on “8 Bad Reasons for Getting Married, 1792

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  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this post. It is interesting, and a little disquieting, to realize that as time goes on, there will always be the romantics, the calculating, and the star-crossed lovers – but oh so rarely the sensibly in love couple who marry forever and delight in the journey.

  2. Arguably the funniest blog post I have read this year and full of truths. I will certainly post It. I know some people who could use a reality check in their lives.

  3. This was a fun read! Funny, I am enthralled with the span across the man’s shoulder blades. I didn’t know this for a long time, as most things like this stay hidden from our conscious mind until they burst out in full bloom. Yes, a man’s upper back is definitely a different physiche than that of a woman. It just it a very strong part of the male anatomy. So funny, you brought this out in this spoof on why to get married. (I wonder if that’s what nabbed me?) haha

  4. Marriage for me means children, grandchildren and mutual respect. but that’s me. I think there’s more in it for women these days than men.

  5. One of my top ten reasons to not get married- ( I don’t think it’s necessary, and if someone asked I’d PROBABLY consider it and I’m a woman), but this has always been my go to. In one of the many volumes of the communist manifesto (if my memory serves me right), Marx links the birth of marriage to the advent of private property. Basically, owning private property instead of communal farmland pushed our seed sowing ancestors to keep their land in their own little social units. Hence, the need for marriage and children, inheritance and the like.
    Common law relationships and civil unions have taken care of this little issue, so why bother?
    If you love someone and they love you, do you really need social approval for your relationship?
    I dunno.
    But great post.
    Reblogged? Check.

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